Merry Christmas, guys, we love you!!!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Time and place
So, Allan just posted this on his blog, which means that i'm allowed to do the same, so feast your eyes on this flash sheet of pure, spooky awesomeness!
Want to get one of these out of this world pieces tattooed on you?
Come to the shop on Saturday the 29th!
We start at 1 pm and end around 9 or 10-ish.
All tattoos will have a fixed, very reasonable price, and if you want it even cheaper, all you have to do is dress up, as people in fancy costumes get 50% off!
There will be treats and beverages and spooky music, and we hope to see lots of you there!
Labels: Events, Flash Day, Fun, Guest artists, The shop
Friday, October 21, 2011
Update, now with sneak peek
With only little over a week to go before Halloween Day at Conspiracy Inc, i figured it was time for a little sneak peek of the designs that will be available. Don't you?
Allan is painting his sheet as i write this, so it will be done soon... maybe even today?
He will post more previews on his instagram and twitter, so go stalk him there if you would like to see more.
As for Chriss Dettmer's sheet, you will just have to wait until the 29th to see that!
More details in the following days, like what time to show up and stuff, but i hope you already have your costume picked out, and you're ready to hang out and eat snacks and get tattooed... and be spooked, of course!!
I'm probably gonna end up saying this again, but since the last flash day was for the London flash, which was fancy-semi-custom-not-to-be-reproduced-flash, it's worth mentioning more than once: the Halloween flash is just that; actual flash. That means there are no limits to how many times a piece can be done, so there will be no need to fight over that sweet Dracula, or whatever you have your heart set on. You can all get it!*
*In theory, but in reality, that would be super boring, so please don't all get the same thing!
Labels: Events, Flash Day, Fun, The shop, Uncle Allan
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Halloween guests, part one
Halloween update time! (Isn't this exciting?)
I just got confirmation from Mr. Chriss Dettmer that he will indeed be joining us for Halloween-Super-Spooky-Fun-Day on the 29th of October!
Chriss will draw up some scary flash you can choose from on the day, which no doubt will be awesome, so go ahead and get excited about that.
More updates coming soon, so check back often!
The London Flash has not been printed and is not for sale.
Same goes for the Halloween flash, which isn't even done yet.
This post on Allan's blog was about an opportunity for those who missed out in London, and anyone else for that matter, to come to Copenhagen and get one of the pieces from the flash set tattooed.
You can still come get the London flash tattooed on Saturday, so feel free to email me about a price quote or just to check if your favorite piece is still available. Walk-ins are welcome too, although those who are already booked in will be tattooed first.
Ok, rant over!
Labels: Chriss Dettmer, Flash Day, Fun, Guest artists, The shop
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Halloween at Conspiracy Inc.
Ok, i får den også lige på Dansk, bare for god ordens skyld.
Lørdag den 29. Oktober holder vi Halloween dag i Conspiracy Inc.
Der vil blive lavet spooky Halloween tatoveringer fra egen flash (altså ikke custom, husk det) hele dagen, med særlig rabat til de flottest udklædte.
Der vil være gæste tatovører (håber jeg, vi skal lige have det bekræftet!) og græskar og (u)hygge og forhåbentligt er der en masse af vores kunder og venner der har lyst til at feste med os.
Så sæt kryds i kalenderen og hold øje med denne blog for nærmere detaljer!
Flash previews will be posted here and on Allan's blog once he gets started on it (which may be as soon as today), so check back soon and often!
Labels: A+A, Flash Day, Fun, Info, Nerdy stuff, Satan, The shop, Uncle Allan
Thursday, October 6, 2011
GREAT MEDIA for the FUNDRAISER tonight thanks to my amazing friends in LAMB of GOD
unveiling the new logo for PINK INK FUND!!!
Inaugural Fundraiser for Pink Ink Fund kicks off tonight at Mekong
TONIGHT at Mekong in Richmond VA PINK INK FUND will be kicking off its FIRST FUNDRAISER starting at 7pm-11:30pm! Come join Amy Black and also guest appearances by members of the infamous metal band LAMB OF GOD as we raffle off amazing items. ALSO a RARE and VINTAGE BEER SILENT AUCTION will be taking place with all proceeds benefitting PINK INK FUND, there will be a few special kegs tapped with sales going to PINK INK FUND and more!
MEKONG restaurant:6004 West Broad Street
Henrico, VA 23230
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
A couple of tattoos and some news
Ok, so after London (still trying to catch up here!) Ryan Mason came to work with us.
His stay was a little hectic cause he got in later than planned, so he was super busy all week.
Which is great, of course, i just wish we'd had more time to hang out and show him around our city.
Maybe next time, if he decides to come back!
I didn't get pictures of all the tattoos he did cause i was a little preoccupied by my work in the darkroom (i've practically lived in there since we got back!) but luckily Ryan posted most of them on his blog, including the ones he did at the convention, so when you're done reading this, check his blog out.
But here are the two i did get pictures of; a large lower arm piece... and an even larger one!
He's gonna travel around Asia for a couple of months, and while he doesn't know where he'll settle down after that, we already know it won't be Denmark.
However, don't despair, he'll still be coming back to do guest spots, much like that other guy, so your chance to get tattooed by him hasn't passed you by.
But he is booked for his last months here, so for those who didn't get in, you'll just have to wait till he comes back, probably in the spring sometime.
Keep an eye on the travel section of this blog, and on Eckel's personal blog too.
What his departure means for the shop, we still don't know.
But rest assured, Allan isn't going anywhere anytime soon, and neither am i!
Labels: Eckel, Guest artist work, Guest artists, Info, Ryan Mason, Tattoos, The shop
The London post
Arrrghh, i feel so terribly behind on posts right now!
I shouldn't be, it's just that a lot of stuff is happening right now, and it's hard to keep up.
Oh my god, i sound like Nick now...
But fear not, this is what staycations are for. I will catch up with myself!
First up; London!
I am trying to divide pictures between my two blogs, so they both get a piece of the convention action.
Not that i took a lot of pictures; i was generally too busy, tired, bored or stressed to do that, but i got a few.
Allan's flash project was a huge success. Or at least to us it was, but i'm hoping the people who got tattooed liked it as well.
We've tried the walk-up/line-drawing concept before, but this time, with the flash actually painted, people really seemed to respond to it, so that was great.
And Allan got to work more and do way more tattoos than usual (his goal, not mine!), so i think this is what's gonna happen next year too. I don't have a lot of finished tattoo pictures, but Allan already posted them all on his blog, so just go check them out there.
Maybe next year he'll start painting a little sooner than a week before?
Just a thought....
Thanks to everyone who got tattooed, and to those who wanted to but didn't get in as well.
And thanks to our friends and clients for coming by the booth and hanging out when we didn't have time to come to them.
See you next year!
Labels: Chriss Dettmer, Conventions, Satan, Uncle A Tattoos, Uncle Allan
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
EP in DK
I know this blog has more guest artist posts than resident artist posts these days... and it's gonna stay that way, at least for now!
Because we have more exciting guest news!
Or, "guest" is such a weird word to use about our bro, our BFF, our favorite human, our man in Asia...
Yes, Nick, or Electric Pick, as the world has come to know him as, is coming to work at the shop, and soon too!
He'll be working here from the 2nd till the 31st of January 2012.
Regular clients with unfinished pieces in progress will obviously get booked in first, but he'll be booking new clients in for one shots as well (think pieces that can be finished in 8 hours max).
As always, you can write to him at and he'll get back to you in a timely fashion (totally just kidding about that last part, but he will get back to you eventually!)
Here's some example of recent work, to see older pieces click here or use the labels to your right.
Labels: E-Pick, Electric-Pick Tattoos, Guest artist work, Guest artists, Info
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Hello, fancy lady
A quick and slightly blurry update on Joseph's fancy backpiece.
Obviously he has a few more sessions to go, but it's definitely starting to look like something!
I can't wait till this is finished, and i'm sure Joseph can't either!
Labels: In Progress, Tattoos, Uncle A Tattoos, Uncle Allan
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Ryan Mason guest spot, pretty much booked already
As readers who check every aspect of this blog often (including the tabs below the header) will have already noticed, we have another guest artist coming in September.
I know, it's crazy around here these days, it's almost like we're a real shop or something!
Anyway, Ryan Mason will be coming to visit after the London convention, and he finally got around to sending me some pictures for the blog (ahem).
He's already booked for the 27th, 29th and 30th of September (again with the attentive readers!), but if you wanna get tattooed on the 28th, there's still time.
Send an email to, and remember, fun custom stuff only!
Here's some recent work, click here to see more.
Labels: Guest artist work, Guest artists, Info, Ryan Mason, Tattoos
Monday, August 29, 2011
Nothing but pictures (almost)
Remember this post from a few days back? Sure you do, it was an exciting post with lots of words, interesting information, and very few pictures. You all love those, am i right?
Well, you're gonna be really disappointed cause here's the opposite; a post of many pictures and few words.
See i just wanted to post these pictures that Kiley sent me of his work, cause that other post didn't have any.
So again, if you wanna book with Kiley, send him a mail at to set something up. Oh, and he'll be at the shop for a week from September 12th.
That's all for text, please scroll and enjoy!
Labels: Guest artist work, Guest artists, Info, Kiley
Saturday, August 20, 2011
So... you wanna get tattooed or what?
Labels: Adam Hays, Booking, Guest artist work, Guest artists, Info, Nerdy stuff, Tattoos
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
And we're back
Oh hi, it's been a while, huh!?
We came back from our awesome, amazing, sunny* yearly vacation on monday, and we've spent the last two days working on getting back into, well, working.
Yesterday was rough, too many emails and too much mess, but today it's starting to seem easier, and i'm almost excited to back at the shop. Almost. We'll get there.
Well, i didn't just start writing a blog post just to tell you about my day, although i'm sure you find it thrilling, i do actually have a few announcements and stuff.
Adam just arrived today, like minutes ago, and we're already putting him to work on fixing our thermofax. But he will be tattooing as well, and he is actually booked for the days we announced here on the blog, but since it looks like he'll be able to stick around for a few more days, there are still a few spots available.
If you're interested, send me an email (address in in the sidebar to your right) or come by the shop, and i'll see what i can do to fit you in.
Also, in other guest related news; our buddy Kiley (i don't actually think he has a website, but here's a facebook link for now) will be coming by to work at the shop for a week from September 12th.
He already has clients here in Copenhagen, so if you're one of them, or would like to be, send him a mail at to set something up.
Oh, and i wanted to write a little something about the Red Cross prints, how awesome that whole project went, and obviously how much money you guys helped us raise for them, but since i don't have the exact figure here, i'll save that for a future post.
But i will say that while the Red Cross has closed off the part of their fundraising that goes straight to Japan, we are still selling the rest of the prints and donating the money to another worthy cause, but we will let you know about that later.
Ok, i think that's it for now, but more updates are coming soon!
*To be read in sarcasm font
Labels: Guest artists, Homies, Info
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
TV SEGMENT on WTVR AUG 16th 9am-10am
i will be on Virginia This Morning with a special client to speak about the permanent nipple repigmentation i do for breast cancer survivors.
WTVR Channel 6 local to Richmond,VA
video clips viewable on:
Monday, August 15, 2011
New Donation fund established PINK INK
Hi everyone-
In my desire to not have any woman denied the total breast repigmentation they want I have establised PINK INK, the fund for women in need of financial assistance for nipple repigmentation. I wanted to get this going from the beginning but a recent email from a friend underlined the compelling need for such a fund who has to undergo double masectomies before she is 35 for preventative care. It is already daunting to think about someone going thru those motions at such a young age, but the financial burden is unimaginable. Help me help others. Your donations will be directly applied to the hourly rate I would normally charge along with the necessary administrative fees taken by Paypal and the banks. Right now the fund is being handled and driven by volunteers to ensure that the biggest amount possible will go directly to helping women in need.
Thanks for your support, the smallest donation goes a long way! Just click on the PINK INK button on the right hand side of my blog and do what you can. Interested parties who want their donation to go directly to a certain individual should consider a PINK INK Gift Certificate.
Watch me on TV
watch me talk about 3D nipple tattooing on TV- Aug 16th WTVR Good Morning Virginia show starts 9am: just click HERE
Friday, August 12, 2011
thank you RVANEWS for the interview on the work I can do for breast cancer survivors:
read about it HERE
Monday, August 1, 2011
new interview with Lady J of Anti Mag
Thank you Lady J of Anti Mag for the wonderful interview :
Sunday, July 31, 2011
2011 London Convention
Just a quick announcement about the London Convention, since i'm starting to get a lot of mail on that subject:
Yes, Uncle Allan will be working there, but no, you can't book an appointment.
Allan will show up with a bunch of line drawings ready to tattoo, and if you like on of them, and there are no other people in front of you, you can get tattooed.
So if this sounds like something you'd be interested in, get to his booth early.
If you want a custom design, please sign up for the waiting list to get tattooed in Copenhagen.
Eckel will be at the convention, but he'll be there as a visitor only.
If he chooses to do a guest spot while in the UK, i will put the dates in the "Travel and Guests" section.
Questions? Post a comment here.
Labels: Booking, Conventions, Eckel, Info, Uncle Allan
Friday, July 29, 2011
Ladies for sale... wait, what?!
I'm not really in a blogging mood today... or an anything mood really.
We're actually off for our summer vacation (ha!) but as in most of Europe, the weather in Copenhagen is crap.
But when summer depression (it's a thing now) is getting me down, so far down i don't even feel like blogging over here, that's when i'm happy i started this blog.
Cause when it comes to the shop, and our little shop family, there's always something good and positive to be said.
Right now, Nick just posted some brand new sketches and some new originals for sale on his pickturebox blog.
I know, exciting stuff, right? But wait, that's not all!
No, he's even offering free shipping from August 1st till October 1st!
So, get an EP original for as little as 128 USD and get free shipping worldwide.
Yeah, you're welcome, internet!
Labels: Artsy Stuff, E-Pick, For sale, Recommendations
Monday, July 25, 2011
I am very proud to announce my new venture in tattooing: realistic nipple tattooing for breast reconstruction of breast cancer survivors:
Working in conjunction with Richmond Plastic Surgeons, I get to visit their office once a month to help these courageous ladies take what many have told me is their final step to "feeling whole again". I can also offer this service at my shop in addition to the rest of the styles I already work with! See my new ad in this month's Richmond Magazine "Best&Worst" issue.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
the Chris Adler Project
sneak peek of the work i've been doing on chris adler, drummer from lamb of god:
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Tiger style
Old as in "got tattooed by Allan 10 years ago", not as in "whoa, that's an old dude!".
I'm tired.
Anyway, expect to see a nicer photo of this one, or at least one that's taken with a real camera and not my phone, some day in the future, if and when Allan decides to blog about tattoos again!
Labels: Tattoos, Uncle A Tattoos, Uncle Allan
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Hail Satan... and birthday cake!
As promised in the last post: costume pictures (or a sort)!
For Allan's birthday last month Eckel got the great idea to surprise him with a black metal themed barbecue.
Allan and our friends had thrown me a surprise party, my first ever, a few days earlier, and because of that, it all of a sudden seemed kinda lame to just have a barbeque like he'd asked for.
So, he already knew of the barbeque part, but i (cleverly i must say) got him to stay home a little longer while we "decorated the shop", while in fact, as you can see, we where decorating our faces with some sick-ass corpse paint... and cow paint... and pentagrams... and skulls... and Peter Kriss...!?
Anyway, when he arrived we were barbequing in the street outside the shop, all dressed up, and yes, he was surprised!
A few instagram pictures of Allan, me and a very un-metal birthday cake (what? I like them sugary and cheerful!)

I don't think we've even used the Dancook 7200 since this wonderful night, but in our defense, we've been out of town on the sunny days, and the rest of the time, the weather has been shit.
Labels: Cake, Food, Fun, Homies, Nerdy stuff, Nørrebronx, Random, Satan, The shop
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