As you all know we've been a little preoccupied with the new shop lately.
And we still are.
We've been at the same spot for about 9 years, so moving is a big deal, even bigger than if we were moving to a new apartment, i think.
It's gonna be the beginning of a new era for us, with new possibilities and new projects and... shit like that, you know what i mean!
So with all that going on, it's easy to forget to blog about other stuff.
Like what it's all about, which is art.
So with that in mind i thought i'd post a couple of new tattoos.
Both tattoos are on the same client, Kane from Australia.
He got tattooed two days in a row, one day by Eckel and one day by Allan, and sat like a trooper for both sessions.
What a guy!

Thanks for coming all the way to Copenhagen to get tattooed, and for getting fun pieces too, we hope to see you again some day, maybe even in Australia!
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